Asynchronous Components

Sometimes our components only render after certain actions complete. Especially during SSR rendering with pre-rendering based on user data, and code splitting with modern bundlers, asynchronous components can play an important role.


FCA is the built-in asynchronous component wrapper, enabling async syntax internally via the FCA function, e.g.:

import { FCA } from 'gyron'

const App = FCA(() => {
  return getUserInfo().then((data) => <div>{}</div>) 

The App function is an async component that displays user info after getUserInfo fetches it.

Another example:

const App = FCA(() => {
  return import('./dashboard').then(({ Dashboard }) => <Dashboard />)
import { FC } from 'gyron'

export const Dashboard = FC(() => {
  return <div>Dashboard</div> 

The App component in index.jsx is async, responsible for async import of the component in dashboard.jsx.

Then split dashboard.jsx file content using e.g. webpack's optimization.splitChunks or esbuild's splitting attribute in final entry file.


Async components have a fallback param rendered before async complete, mainly as a placeholder to indicate loading data or resources.

import { createInstance, App } from './index'

createInstance(<App fallback={<span>loading...</span>} />)